Sunday, 27 December 2009

From the Painting Bench

I hope everyone had a good and safe Christmas and that they have come away laden with Loot :)

Has been a quiet few weeks. Have painted up the Bolter element of a devestator squad which I am not going to post as really, they are bog standard blue marines.

I have also done up a new Terminator Sergeant. Special thanks to The Prophet for his quick tutorial on how to do the glaive. Also, just to make my friend Matt (aka greatcrusage08 on the B7C)  happy I have given him the skull in U shoulder pad and even painted it red ;)

Also, a few weeks back I finished off some more Honour Guard for Marneus.


I recieved an Assault Squad box for Christmas which will be done up at some point. I have plans for them. Oh yes, plans.....

Monday, 7 December 2009

Ultrawing spanked by Wolves :(

I have decided to use the DA Deathwing rules to run an Ultramarines First Co Army aka Ultrawing.

Played my Ultrawing for the first time yesterday against a fairly nasty Space Wolf Terminator army and got tabled by round 4. 

Though my dice rolling was fairly horrible (And it was horrible, Belial killed 2 Blood Claws over 3 turns of Combat, Dreadnoughts hit nothing over 3 turns of combat etc etc) I believe the main issue that led to my defeat was :

A: I dont know how to play Deathwing properly yet. This will change as I get more games under my belt and peruse more forums etc. Its a radically different type of game style compared to how I usually run my Marine army.

B: This is related to the above but I have no idea what the ideal weapons mix is. I think I mixed my squads up far too much which made them ineffective in support or assault. Not enough shooty to kill from range and not assaulty enough to mix it up.

Reading through various topics on various forums seems to indicate that you should keep the squads in a full support or assault role with perhaps a single terminator in each squad equipped differently for wound allocation and versatility.

Do the Deathwing players out there agree with that or am I missing something.

The list I ran yesterday (and its pretty much every model I have) looked like this:

Belial with LC @ 130

Interrogator-Chaplain @ 145

Command Squad @ 300
• Banner Bearer
• Apothecary
• SB/PW Sergeant
• LC
• Assault Cannon

Squad 1 @ 225
• SB/PW Sergeant
• H/Flamer + Chain Fist
• LC

Squad 2 @ 220
• TH/SS Sergeant
• LC
• Chain Fist
• TH

Squad 3 @ 220
• Chain fist
• LC Sergeant
• LC

Dread @ 130
• Heavy Flamer
• MM

Dread @ 125
• Plasma Cannon

Land Raider @ 250

Total: 1745

As stated before, its an entirely new dynamic playing this army. A total of 25 models including dreads and LR means you don't have the ability to absorb casualties like other builds.

I am hoping to be able to get another squad of terminators for christmas which will hopefully allow me to add some versatility into the army with additional HW's like AC's and CML's which I think will help.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Ultrawing Command Squad

I have decided to take my terminators which I so rarely use and convert them to a "Deathwing" army or in this case an "UltraWing" Army. Have stripped down and repainted most of my termies and have now converted up a command squad, which can be seen below.

I have gone for an Old School look with the hazard stripes and the red bolters. Stripes are a bastard to paint and not as straight as I would like but they will do. I also like that every one in the squad is different which will be helpfull with wound allocation.


Banner Bearer


Assault Cannon

Chain Fist